D&L RealAudio Live

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11.30 netLIVE Premium Edition netLIVE Realtime Report

このホームページには、1995年11月30日、武道館において行われた坂本 龍一 D&L Tour '95 の netLIVE Realtime Report のホームページの内容がまとめられて収録されています。
当日、いろいろな事情でRealtime Reportをご覧になれなかった方々も、このホームページをご覧になってコンサートの臨場感を満喫してください。

2 コンサートの写真を眺める。

11.30 netLIVE Premium Edition netLIVE Realtime Report

At this site you can access the Realitme Report of Ryuichi Sakamoto's concert at the Budhokan on 11.30.1995 which was broadcast live all over the world via the Internet.
Those of you who missed the concert or could not access this page due to some technical difficulties that occured on that day can still experience what it was like to be there at the Budhokan on 11.30.1995 by visiting this site.

To have fun at this site
1To Listen to the concert.
Once you have verified that your browser has RealAudio installed......
you can click HERE to listen to the concert.
2 To Watch/View the concert
Click CLIP1 to enjoy what happened before the concert.
Click CLIP2 to enjoy what happened before the concert.
Each home page has over 60 photographs in it. So, be patient and sit back while your computer downloads all the info.....relax...listen to some beats from Ryuichi's concert while you're waiting.

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